What is the name of your border collie?
Formal name is Haruka (Feminine Spring Flower in Japanese), We call her Roo.
How old is Roo?
She is 1 year old.
How did Roo become part of your family?
Our first BC was a rescue, Roo came to us the same way. Great Lakes Border Collie Rescue processed our application but the dog we were trying to adopt was taken. They found out he had a sister that was being offered by another rescue. They put us together and here we are.
Does Roo have any special talents or tricks?
She is great with a frisbee, Retrieves balls, destroys almost every toy we have been able to try. Have found one brand she hasn’t ruined, so I guess she loves to chew.
What is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet?
Her energy is magical and it is infectious. She gets me up, she gets me moving, she is an integral part of our lives.
Do you have any interesting or funny stories to share about your border collie?
I saw people with large soccer type balls and decided to try. Got her a nice playground ball. I also have a nice video of her deflating it in about a minute.
What else do you want people to know about your border collie?
All dogs are different, and that is what I love about BC’s. They are the true “rainbow” breed. Different colors, different markings but they are all BC’s. There are many great rescues out there. Don’t be afraid of that route. You may not enjoy them as a puppy, but that is only a fleeting moment. You both will be better for the experience of getting one.