The Border Collie Walk!

The Border Collie Walk!

What do 5 Border Collies get up to when they’re not herding sheep?

Well, they make their own entertainment…


Watch & Enjoy:

Amazing Dog Tricks

Amazing Dog Tricks

Meet Nana, a Border Collie.

She’s simply AMAZING!

Here she is performing outstanding dog tricks…

Sophie the Border Collie From 4 Months to 1 Year

Sophie the Border Collie From 4 Months to 1 Year

There’s nothing better than having a cute border collie puppy to watch grow up!  Check out these  great pics of Sophie submitted by Julie Carr!  So adorable! 😍 


Here’s Sophie at 4 months old with her friend Bella…
border collie sophie
Here is Sophie at 8 weeks old!
border collie Sophie
And finally..  Sophie here is 1 year old, enjoying her first Christmas!
border collie Sophie
Thanks to Julie Carr for sending us these awesome pics!
Want your border collie to be featured on our site? Use our submission form at the top of our home page to send us your pics and videos today! 



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Secret the Border-Aussie-Collie Goes Sledding… By Herself!

Secret the Border-Aussie-Collie Goes Sledding… By Herself!

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

It’s no secret that border collies love to play in the snow!  When it finally snowed, Secret, who is half border collie and half australian shepherd, couldn’t have be more thrilled! From the video below, it’s definitely clear that winter is one of her favorite activities!  Secret apparently went down this hill 50 times! 😂💞

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