Check Out Crufts 2017 Pastoral Group Judging and Presentation!

Check Out Crufts 2017 Pastoral Group Judging and Presentation!

Submit your Border Collie to be featured

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

If you didn’t have the opportunity to check out this year’s Cruft’s dog show, which is the largest and most popular dog show in the world, then you’re in luck!  Check out the full pastoral group judging and presentation below, which showcases almost every breed of herding dog in the world!  You can also check out some border collie highlights from last year’s competition here.

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Darby is a Blind Border Collie Who’s Full of Life

Darby is a Blind Border Collie Who’s Full of Life

Want Your Border Collie Featured on our Site?

We love border collies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your border collie to be featured on our page, please read our submissions page and send us an email with your pictures to:

Sandy and Mark McClure would like y’all to meet Darby!  Darby is a blind, nine-year old border collie who has overcome a lot in his life!

blind border collieWhat is the name of your border collie?
Please meet our best buddy Darby!

How old is Darby?
Darby is 9 years old.


blind border collieHow did Darby become part of your family?
We brought him home from a breeder only to find that he was very sick. In our first two weeks with Darby, he had pneumonia and three different kinds of parasites and then he broke his leg. He recovered from all of these ailments quickly.  However, at two years old he went blind from retinal degeneration.


blind border collieDoes Darby have any special talents or tricks?
Darby is so smart and knows so many tricks! Our favorite is that he gives hugs and kisses when asked.  Darby is a one of a kind Border Collie and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!

What else do you want people to know about your border collie?
You would never know Darby is blind, he runs on the beach, plays fetch with a stick and herds us around the house!




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Go Pro Presents… Border Collie Tricks in Norway!

Go Pro Presents… Border Collie Tricks in Norway!

Submit your Border Collie to be featured

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

Get the latest GoPro Camera via Amazon Now!

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Watch Eva-Lena and her border collie, Luna, test out the HERO+® camera from GoPro at a local park in Norway.  Be prepared for some really cool angles, super clear close-ups and a lot of fun Frisbee action in this great video.  Kinda makes you wish you had a GoPro, eh? 🙂

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Daisy Belle is the Sweetest Border Collie in Iowa!

Daisy Belle is the Sweetest Border Collie in Iowa!

Want Your Border Collie Featured on our Site?

We love border collies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your border collie to be featured on our page, please read our submissions page and send us an email with your pictures to:

What is the name of your border collie?
Daisy Belle

How old is Daisy Belle?
She is 7 years old


black border collieHow did Daisy Belle become part of your family?
She was a rescue

Does Daisy Belle have any special talents or tricks?
She has a sweet tooth & loves whipped cream!  We are literally unable to tire her out on a walk!


What is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet? 
They are the most loyal, sweetest breed of dog and the gentlest dog!

What else do you want people to know about your border collie?
She is very quiet in the house, but when its “walkie” or “ridee” time she goes INSANE !!


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