Laundry Helper

Laundry Helper

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

Lava the Border Collie loves to “help” out with the laundry!

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Pastel Portrait

Pastel Portrait

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

NJ Fine Arts shows us this beautifully hand drawn portrait of a Border Collie in this time-lapse video

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Border Collie Fun Day 2017

Border Collie Fun Day 2017

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

April 2, 2017 was a great day to celebrate Border Collie awesomeness! This video shows some of the best Border Collies in the Agility Demonstration!

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Border Collie Wants Attention

Border Collie Wants Attention

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Submit your Border Collie to be featured

What happens when your Border Collies want you to play with him but you just want to play video games instead.

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