Roxie the Border Collie

Roxie the Border Collie

Melissa Bird would like everyone to meet Roxy the border collie who is a quirky, intelligent and loving companion!


What is the name of your border collie?

How old is she?
She is 5

How did he/she become part of your family?
Brought from breeder

What is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet?
Very intelligent and loving.

Does he/she have any special talents or tricks? If so, please describe.
Yes she asks for her biscuit every morning by saying roro.

What else do you want people to know about your border collie?
Roxy is a quirky, loving dog



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Maiki is Learning the ABCs of Being an Awesome Border Collie!

Maiki is Learning the ABCs of Being an Awesome Border Collie!

Here’s our latest Intros & Hellos… meet Maiki!  Get to know this talented border collie in her Q&A below.

Thanks to Tamba Cat for submitting her profile!

What is the name of your border collie?

How old is she?

How did she become part of your family?
Adopted when an association rescued an unwanted litter from a farm.

What is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet?
Her intelligence and enthusiasm. (She loves learning tricks and playing games.) Also her energy and sense of adventure. She loves hiking and swimming!

Does he/she have any special talents or tricks?  If so, please describe.
She knows 200 tricks and understands words in three languages. She recently achieved the “alphabet challenge” trick dog title by performing a trick for every letter of the alphabet – in both English and Spanish:




Want Your Border Collie Featured on our Site?

We love border collies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your border collie to be featured on our page, please read our submissions page

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Beautiful Pics of Cali and Winnie

Beautiful Pics of Cali and Winnie

Border Collies Cali and Winnie watching the rain from the comforts of their home!  Thanks to Kathy for submitting these lovely pics.

Got pics of your beautiful border collies to share with us, please use our submissions form for us to review and include in our ever growing community of border collie fans from around the world!

Sophie the Border Collie From 4 Months to 1 Year

Sophie the Border Collie From 4 Months to 1 Year

There’s nothing better than having a cute border collie puppy to watch grow up!  Check out these  great pics of Sophie submitted by Julie Carr!  So adorable! 😍 


Here’s Sophie at 4 months old with her friend Bella…
border collie sophie
Here is Sophie at 8 weeks old!
border collie Sophie
And finally..  Sophie here is 1 year old, enjoying her first Christmas!
border collie Sophie
Thanks to Julie Carr for sending us these awesome pics!
Want your border collie to be featured on our site? Use our submission form at the top of our home page to send us your pics and videos today! 



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