Border Collies Versus Australian Shepherd – What’s the Difference?

Border Collies Versus Australian Shepherd – What’s the Difference?

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YouTubers AnimalWised put together this great video highlighting the main differences between Border Collies and Australian Shepherds.  While we still think BCs are the best dog breed in the world, the Australian Shepherd is a pretty close second! 

In this informative and interesting video, you get to learn why many people tend to confuse these two dog breeds – mainly because of their similar looks.  You’ll also learn many interesting facts pertaining to marked differences between Border Collies and Australian Shepherds including how each behaves and what they need in terms of care.  

Check out the video and let us know in the comments which dog breed you like better?  Border Collies or Australian Shepherds?

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>



Delta is a Multi-Talented Border Collie

Delta is a Multi-Talented Border Collie

Cat Mews ​would like everyone to meet Delta the border collie!  Get to know Delta in her BorderCollieFC Intro & Hellos profile below!
What is the name of your border collie?


How old is he/she?

5.5 years old

How did he/she become part of your family?

Through a registered breeder

What is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet?

She’s always so happy to see me!

Do you have any interesting or funny stories to share about your border collie?

She hates ceiling fans and will go crazy barking at them.

Does he/she have any special talents or tricks? If so, please describe.

Delta and I compete in agility and jumping, tracking, herding and conformation dog shows. She’s multitalented!

What else do you want people to know about your border collie?

Delta isn’t just a pretty face, she can work the way her breed should!



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Border Collies with Heterochromia

Border Collies with Heterochromia

Meet Molly, a border collie cross who was rejected by hundreds of families because of her unusual, odd-coloured eyes.


Have you ever wondered why some border collies have different coloured eyes?  This phenomenon is formally called heterochromia, an eye condition caused by a lack of pigment in the eye.  

This condition does not have any known, adverse health affects on border collies who have this condition, but nonetheless some potential dog owners may be put off by the ‘odd-look’ this may create. 

In fact, there was one famous case a years ago where a border collie named Molly was supposedly abandoned because she had this condition, giving her different coloured eyes (one brown and one pale blue).

Molly, together with her brown-eyed sister, Holly, was picked up as strays in Wales during the autumn in 2014. They were later taken in by the Dogs’ Trust, a UK dog rescue located in Newbury, Berkshire, where Holly quickly found a home.

However, Molly was not so lucky as her sister.  According to the Dogs’ Trust, some potential adopters were put off by Molly’s unusual eye combination even though there was nothing wrong with her sight. In fact, they noted that Molly would make a great pet given that she gets the right owner.  The good news is that Molly eventually found a new home with a family in Hampshire.

Dog breeds with Heterochromia

Did you know that Border Collies are among the most common dog breeds with different colored eyes?

Aside from Border Collies, the following dog breeds also shared the same eye condition:

  • Huskies
  • Alaskan Malamutes
  • Dalmatians
  • Beagles
  • Great Danes
  • Dachshunds
  • Welsh Corgis
  • Shih Tzus
  • Chihuahuas


The reason why there particular dog breeds seem more prone to heterochromia is still not completely understood because the genes responsible for the dog’s eye color is hard to track down and verify.

To make matters more complicated, did you know that sometimes, the genes for eye color expression in dogs are also the same genes responsible for their coat color? The same genes can also be linked to certain genetic based traits such as certain conditions or illnesses such as deafness. However, there is no confirmed link between deafness and heterochromia in dogs, according to canine specialists.

But in most cases, dogs with one lighter eye and one darker eye still see out of both eyes.

In Molly’s case, she is such a happy and healthy dog who deserves to be treated just like the other dogs without heterochromia. We are happy that Molly has now found a new family who will give her the love she deserves.


Do you have a dog with heterochromia? We’d love to hear your story. Write it in the comment box below.



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About This Book..
Historically, Border Collies are known as a working dog breed. Due to this very fact there are certain dog behaviors and instincts particular to Border Collies only. These behaviors and instincts define the personality of the dog. Understanding these behaviors and instincts is imperative if you desire a well-trained/behaved dog. This book is based on years of experience and thorough research helping you to choose, raise, train and live in harmony with your Border Collie. This book has been written by truly taking into consideration the breed as well as its abilities as this aspect is often ignored by owners of this dog. The content of this book will provide you with an insight of how a Border Collie relates and interacts with its owner and the outside world. Once you’ve read this book, you’ll be better equipped to own and take care of a Border Collie so that it becomes the wonderful companion it’s meant to be!

The Perfect Dog Breed

The Perfect Dog Breed

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10 Reasons why Border Collies are the best dog breed.



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