Filip Stubbe would like everyone to meet Fly the Border Collie and a few of his furry, four-legged friends!

Fly is just over one and a half years old and lives in Ostend, Belgium. He spent the first 10 weeks of his life on a cow farm before becoming a true ‘Ostend-boy.’
He’s on the beach almost every day and loves to run and play in the sea with his best buddy Rodger!

Fly is also very gentle with all types of animals and people and very intelligent. He even has a best cat friend named Oscar!
Looking for a Good Book To Help Train & Raise Your Border Collie? We Recommend…
About This Book..
Historically, Border Collies are known as a working dog breed. Due to this very fact there are certain dog behaviors and instincts particular to Border Collies only. These behaviors and instincts define the personality of the dog. Understanding these behaviors and instincts is imperative if you desire a well-trained/behaved dog. This book is based on years of experience and thorough research helping you to choose, raise, train and live in harmony with your Border Collie. This book has been written by truly taking into consideration the breed as well as its abilities as this aspect is often ignored by owners of this dog. The content of this book will provide you with an insight of how a Border Collie relates and interacts with its owner and the outside world. Once you’ve read this book, you’ll be better equipped to own and take care of a Border Collie so that it becomes the wonderful companion it’s meant to be!