Number of Border Collies Profiled

Robbie the Border Collie Is Full of Love and Affection
Robbie the border collie is from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. He loves to do tricks and gives lots of love and affection!

Chloe and Haley are an Inseparable Pair of Lovely Border Collies!
James would like you all to meet his border collies, Chloe and Haley. Two inseparable border collies who seem to love doing together like going to Home Depot and bringing a smile to everyone’s face!

Maisie The Border Collie Is Very Clever!
Avril would like you to say hello to Maisie! Maisie is a young, clever border collie with a variety of tricks.

Midge is a Quick Learner!
Tracey would love for you to say “hello” to Midge, their 16 week old border Collie. Midge is an energetic young puppy that is always eager to learn!