Number of Border Collies Profiled

Meet Tillie and Gyp! Two Playful Border Collies
Sarah would like you to meet Tillie and Gyp. Together they are 2 energetic border collies that loves playing with balls!
Tula the Border Collie is One Social and Loving Dog!
Tula the border collie is able to distinguish the difference between four of her many toys! Tula loves to retrieve balls and freebies!

Milo the Border Collie Loves To Sing
Milo the border collie is a very loyal dog from Peterhead who loves to sing!

Rubi the Border Collie Barks a Lot, But is a Quick Learner
What is the name of your border collie? Rubicon or Rubi for short How old is Rubi? She just turned one year old on March 30th How did Rubi become part of your family? Her mother was rescued off a reservation and had (8) puppies two days later. We adopted all of them...