Border Collie Sings ‘How Much Is that Doggie in the Window?’

Border Collie Sings ‘How Much Is that Doggie in the Window?’

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Check out this fun border collie video sent from via our BorderCollieFC FaceBook community!
In the video below, Teresa Barlow from Somerset, UK and her border collies Frankie and Bennie decide to have a sing-a-long!  Frankie ( ie. Francesca) being the clever puppy he is, decides to take part while his beautiful and less interested sister, Bennie ( i.e. Benita), clearly cannot be bothered.  Frankie is three and Bennie is two.  From this video, you can clearly see how Border Collies really are a very special breed.



A Herd of Border Collies Playing

A Herd of Border Collies Playing

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Check out this fun video featuring a few border collies playing together and having fun in local a park. It looks like they’re having so much fun! All they need now are a few sheep to herd! 😛 🐑🐑🐑

Video courtesy of Coverr-Free-Footage, by way of ; used here with permission. Creative Commons

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Border Collie Friends

Border Collie Friends

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Here’s a great photo montage by Frank Leguen de Lacroix featuring his beautiful border collies Tosca, Yka, Flea, Lad, Jake & Jedd.  Can you imagine life with five border collies?  It’s probably a lot of work, but also a lot of fun! 🙂

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Border Collies Playing with Water Hose

Border Collies Playing with Water Hose

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There’s just so much awesomeness in this video!  Can you count the number of border collies enjoying a bit of a cool down with the water hose?  Judging by their reaction, they clearly all love getting a nice shower of cool refreshing water! 😀

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>



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