Nothing To See Here… Except Super Cute Border Collie Puppies Playing!

Nothing To See Here… Except Super Cute Border Collie Puppies Playing!

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For your viewing pleasure, check out this fun video of cute, four week old border collie puppies at play! Their play area is set up so the puppies have environmental enrichment – Obstacles and toys to play with to increase their balance, coordination, fitness and problem solving skills. The different obstacles also teach them about different textures, surfaces and noises.


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Chloe and Haley are an Inseparable Pair of Lovely Border Collies!

Chloe and Haley are an Inseparable Pair of Lovely Border Collies!

Want Your Border Collie Featured on our Site?

We love border collies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your border collie to be featured on our page, please read our submissions page and send us an email with your pictures to:

James would like you all to meet Chloe and Haley.  Two inseparable border collies who seem to love doing together like going to Home Depot and bringing a smile to everyone’s face! 


border collie dogsWhat is the name of your border collie?
This is Chloe (black and white) and Haley (red and white)

How old  are Chloe & Haley?
They are both 11 years old

How did Chloe and Haley become part of your family? (adoption, breeder, etc…)
We got Chloe at 10 weeks from a farmer and Haley from a breeder at the same age

Does Chloe and Haley have any special talents or tricks?
Chloe likes to use the cat door as her personal window and Haley loves to be the fastest dog around

border collie dogsWhat is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet? 

Our favorite part about having a Border Collie as pest is their intelligence. We get asked all the time how we get our dogs to act so good even without being leashed. I tell them Border Collies are like cheating, simple training and love

Do you have any interesting or funny stories to share about your border collie?
Chloe makes me laugh when we hike creeks rock hounding by having epic battles with waterfalls
Haley loves to jump from the arm of our couch into my arms

What else do you want people to know about your border collie?
They both love Home Depot, we always get a flatbed cart and tell them to load up and they ride the cart getting lots of attention from both Home Depot employees and other customers

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Meet Some of Our Fan Club’s Beloved Border Collies!

Meet Some of Our Fan Club’s Beloved Border Collies!

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To thank all our Border Collie Fan Club members who have shared pictures of their amazingly wonderful dogs, we decided to put together this video collage to share with the world.  If you want to get your beloved border collie on our gallery and/or videos, send us an email at

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Border Collies in Action!

Border Collies in Action!

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Check out the first of our series of “Border Collies in Action” videos.  Our Border Collie Fan club members have kindly provided us with the video clips featuring these loveable border collies:

  • Katie is 1.5 year old from Scott Mills, Oregon and is shown yoga ball herding.
  • Fly (1 year old), Dexter (6 year old), and Jake (12 year old) are from Knutsford, BC and are shown playing in the snow.
  • TJ is 14 months old from San Francisco and is shown going down the slide and playing Frisbee.
  • Ellie is from North Wales.   It looks like Ellie is trying to herd the waves in the video.

Check it out and if you would like to see more, please subscribe to our NEW YouTube channel where we’re hoping feature more fun, adorable and amazing videos of the world’s best dog breed… border collies!

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