Border Collie Puppy Training
Watch Zana and her trainer, Kara Marx, go through a few training lessons. This is a must-watch for anyone seriously interested in finding a professional dog trainer to help teach their border collie.
Choosing A Border Collie: Pros & Cons
Thinking of getting a border collie? This video is a bit old, but it highlights some of the great traits of owning a border collie and a few of the drawbacks. They are very energetic dogs who can give you a lot, but also need a lot of love and energy to take care of.
Border Collie Breed
Border Collies are amazing, skilled and versatile dogs! Watch this amazing video that features all Border Collie's abilities... BORDER COLLIES RULE! Is the Border Collie the best breed ever?
Border Collie Grooming
The Border Collie breed has two varieties of coat: rough and smooth. This breed doesn’t need too much grooming, but it weather-resistant double coat needs at least weekly brushing to prevent matting and to minimize hair shed around the house. Watch the video and learn...