The Dog Who Knows 1,000 Words
Border Collies are known as the smartest dog breed in the world. Chaser is a 9-year-old Border Collie who knows 1,000 words... She knows nouns and verbs individually and, impressively, syntax: she can understand nouns and verbs in tandem to form an action. Watch the...
Gorgeous Border Collie
Nana is a gorgeous Border Collie puppy who arrived to her new home recently... This video features a day in Nana's life.. Look at her so adorable and happy! Nana is just TOO CUTE... 🙂 Is your dog this beautiful? Watch & Enjoy: [vimeo...
Border Collie Doglopedia
Border Collies are characteristically alert, energetic, hardworking, and smart. They learn quickly... Sometimes it's difficult to keep him challenged! This breed is also known for being highly sensitive to his handler's cue, from a whistle to a raised eyebrow. Learn...
Jasper & Toby
Jasper the little baby and Toby his sweet Border Collie are falling in love with each other! The baby and his dog are kissing and playing together on the living room floor... SO CUTE. 🙂 Does your pooch have a little brother or sister? Watch & Smile: [spacer...